Article writing has taken the craft of writing several notches up as profitable venture that writers can conveniently enjoy at home. The demand for writing services varies from informative articles, to product reviews, to blogs, to press releases and to directory list taglines. The subjects covered by online writers and marketers are encompassing, ranging from health, entertainment, finance, travel, to name a few.
Article writing as a tool to make money online requires more than tinkering on your

Incorporate search engine optimization or SEO features in your article. Use keywords that have been calculated to be among the widely searched keywords by internet users. SEO is a marketing tool that you can employ to improve the status of your article or blog in search engine result listings. Successfully incorporating SEO will take your page closer to potential viewers, thus increasing the traffic of your site.
Blend in SEO keywords as naturally as possible. Writing for articles online entail efficiency and quality that should not compromise either the profit-generating and informative objective of the article. Proper keyword placement is not only beneficial to the look of your site and the quality of your article, but also in the relevance rate of your content. Including too many keywords will send your site and your article to the base line along with other spam-labeled pieces.
Bank on building links with other sites and blogs. Readers check the credibility of web content by the depth of its discussion. If you are writing on a sizeable topic, insert links that readers can follow to understand the subject better. Advertising links are portals to make money online while enhancing the scope of your article.
Organize and manage your site or blog using tools and plug-ins that you can get for free. These online features will do the publication of your work more justice by creating a pleasant and inviting background to pair a well-written work.
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