Surfing the Internet
By registering on Swagbucks, you can download and install the SwagBucks toolbar right away. Then you can start searching on the web using the toolbar. You'll earn points called 'Swag Bucks' each time you use the toolbar to search the web. The more you search the more points you'll be accumulated. Once you have earned enough Swag Bucks, you can use them to redeem electronic products, Amazon gift card, etc.
Swagbucks is real. A lot of people are happy with it because they can get some prizes as a return of searching on the web. However some Internet users think it is not worth it since you need to take time searching on the web daily and the search results provided aren't as quality as Google provided, even though Swagbucks claimed that are giving the search result similar as Google.
Swagbucks might be interesting to you but getting some prizes from searching on the web seems not enough. You want to earn more of course. The program called Treasuretrooper can help you on this.
Treasuretrooper is for you to earn extra cash if you have hours of time to spend online every day. It is basically a program that has a lot of offers where you can sign up and earn cash. It's simple but consume some time. What you do is complete or sign up trial offers and get $0.50 to $1.00 per completed offer. By completing a couple of offers daily, you can earn extra cash each month.
Both Swagbucks and Treasuretrooper are available for US, Canada and UK residents only at the moment.
How to turn your photos into cash?
It's simple. You sell them online through the micro stock photo sites. The micro Stock photo sites welcome anyone to upload photos for inclusion into their database for sale. Each time someone purchases and downloads your photo, you earn anywhere between $0.30 and $0.60. Your photo will be put for sale again and again and you are guaranteed to earn for each download. Some of the reputable Stock photo sites that you can partner with to sell your photos are:
You just have to sign up as a seller or photographer in these micro stock websites and then you can upload you photos for sale right away. Payment will be sent to you once your sale earning have reached minimum payout.
Sharing Videos
OK photographing isn't your hobby but making web video is. There are video sharing sites that pay you to upload your videos as well. is a good example. The site has a lucrative

There is also another video sharing site rewarding the video creators. It's is allows all the video creators to share advertising revenue. You'll earn 50% of the advertising revenue generated from your all video pages.
Making Craft
Some of the good places for you to start selling your crafts online are eBay and Craiglist. Both places allow you to put your different creations up for sale quickly. eBay charges a little listing fee for each item you put up for sales and Craiglist is totally free. There is no marketing work necessary since eBay and Craiglist will display your offers to the potential customers. This certainly is a good opportunity to test sell your crafts.
You can also think about setting up an online crafts store to market your products to more potential customers. This could potentially increase your sales and grow your craft business.
Craft selling is a home based business that can provide you serious income if you have a business plan on it. You need to be a little bit more creative to come up with the craft products that sell. And you are going to need to take time to learn about Internet marketing and selling so that you know how to reach your products to massive global audience.
One of the best places to start a small freelance writing business is the Digital Point Forum. This is the forum that the web publishers, bloggers and Internet marketers around the world are met and discussing about web publishing. Many of them are purchasing content and articles in the forum. So you can start off by offering your writing service in the Digital Point forum. It involves four easy steps to start selling article service in DP forum:
1) Join the forum and participate in discussion.
2) Once you have been a member more than 14 days and your post count reached 25, you can begin to post ad in the Digital Point Buy, Sell and Trade section.
3) Write an ad about the writing service you are offering and post the ad up to Digital Point Buy, Sell and Trade section.
4) Wait for the article orders to come.
To make your offer compelling, you should start off with low price service. i.e. $3 per 400 words article on any topic. Also you should include links to your previous work samples or you can just copy and paste part of your previous work sample into your ad, letting people to read your offer and see your sample of work at the same time. Anyone interested will then contact and request you to write the topics or titles they want.
In addition to that, you can sell pre-written articles in another section of Digital point Marketplace. Pre-written articles are articles that you have written and ready for publication. Often Pre-written articles are sold in one pack consisting of 3, 5 or 10 articles. You can sell pre-written articles on any topic but I would suggest you focus on topics like Internet marketing, SEO, blogging, Twitter, make money online, Wordpress, affiliate marketing and some other related topics. The buyers often like to order articles on these topics.
Again lowering your price is one of the best ways to get your first article pack sold in the forum. $3 per article is the ideal price level. So, if you are selling a pack of 5 articles, the price will be $15.
Make sure your articles are unique and haven't published anywhere before. You'll get complain if you sell duplicate articles to the members of the forum.
Other places that you can sell your freelance writing service are,, and etc.
Besides selling articles, there are a few other options of making money with writing:
Write for the Content Networks
The well known content network like Associated Content, Hub Pages, Squidoo and ehow are rewarding authors who contribute content to them. You choose to write any topic you like and publish as many articles as you want. In return the content networks will allow you to share the advertising revenue that generated from all your article pages.
Write for Blog Networks
The established blog network such as Creative Weblogging are also welcoming new authors to join and contribute in their blog network. You choose the topic that you are interested and then the network will assign a blog to you. You'll be responsible for writing content on the blog and get paid a fixed income monthly. A few other reputable blog networks that offer paid blogging opportunities are B5media and Weblogsinc.
Write Your Own Blog
Blogging is enjoying. You can share your life or things that you know to others. You can keep posting interesting stuff on your blog to attract visitors. Once you have gained consistent blog traffic, you can begin to monetize your traffic. There are many advertising programs that you join and display ads on your to earn revenue. Google AdSense, Yahoo Publisher Network, Bidvertisers are some of the well known advertising programs you can use on your blog. Also a few other ideas of making money from blog are selling direct ad, promoting affiliate products or service, etc.
Playing Online Games

When you just started, Moola will give you $0.01 to play game. Every time you win, you double your balance. So, if you play your first game and win, your balance will double from $0.01 to $0.02 and then if you go on to play another game and win as well, you are up to $0.04. Winning 30 times in a row, you'll get $10,737,418.24.
Winning $10,737,418.24 seems impossible in reality. No one has ever won that amount before. But, there are members reporting that they have cashed out thousands to date. So, you can potentially earn some extra money playing games in Moola. The games in Moola require more luck than skill.
There are three main games to choose from. Ro-Sham-Bo-Fu, Gold Rush, and Hi-Lo. All the games don't take long time to complete, usually a few minute. If you win, your earning up but if you lose, you'll start over with $0.01 again.
Moola is by invitation only. If you like to join, you can get an instant invitation here. Once you have joined, you can also send out invitation email to your friends to join Moola. For each person that invited by you and joined Moola, you’ll get $0.32 credited to your account. So, you can add up your earning through inviting people to join Moola as well.
The bad news about Moola is that it is available to residents of the United States and Canada only (excluding Louisiana, Nevada and Quebec). International members can play but cannot cash out earning.
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