Yes, many entrepreneurs have turned into the internet also to market their products and services. Many businessmen nowadays hire product reviewers and have these reviews posted in their blogs and in other people's blog with high traffic. In this way, people will find their products faster. Article writing plays a vital role in advertising nowadays. Many consumers prefer to buy products with background information and reviews from people who have used them. The writer's job comes in. Companies hire them to create background information and testimonials about the product at hand.
Articles are used for product reviews. Reviews of companies, products, sites and services are very much useful so a customer could decide if they want to hire a company for their current project or not, also if the product available is worth buying or not. This has given many writers and would be writers to have another way to earn money. More and more people nowadays are turning into article writing. This does not only allow them to do what they love to do but it also gives them a chance to be able to manage their own time. Once you have been writing for a year or two regularly, you could already earn a good decent amount of money which would help you with your monthly expenses.
Aside earning from product reviews, there are also sites online where you could earn a good monthly income through writing. First is through your article pageviews. These sites include Triond, Bukisa and Associated Content. Triond is a great community. The site has its own marketing strategies so your articles usually appear on the first few pages of Google. You will just wonder where the traffic comes from as you do get them daily and your also earn daily. It maybe a few cents at first but as you keep on writing, the few cents will soon be accumulated into dollars then a few hundreds. Photos, original videos, recipes, movie reviews and other interesting information can be submitted. They pay every 15th of the following month for the earnings accumulated in the current month.
Bukisa has a current rate of $3.65 per thousand pageviews. Associated Content pays $1-$20 upfront payment for articles depending on the content or $1.5 per thousand pageviews. About also pays $1 per article and pays revenue every month for your articles.
You can also create your own blog. There are many free blogging hosts online where you can start with. There is Blogger, Outblogger, and a lot more. This needs extra effort on your part though as it is necessary to post regularly and to drive traffic to your site. This is called link building. One way to do this is through social bookmarking, commenting in other blogs and forum posting where you add a link to your blog in your signature and profile pages. You can also create a link in your profile pages at Social networking sites. Once your blog has gained a higher pagerank, has regular readers and has improved its total number of backlinks, you can also join other earning opportunity sites like Clickbank, Kontera or Infolinks for text link ads and paid to review sites like Linkworth and Blogtoprofit. Many people also add google adsense into their blogs. It is important to note though that if you participate in paid to review sites like Blogsvertise and similar sites, google usually penalizes your blog's pagerank. It becomes lower in the next update. For some bloggers, this doesn't matter as long as they have enough visitors to their sites and the paid reviews usually make them earn more money than adsense alone.
Blogging communities are also great sources of online income from your articles. Sites that rank higher in search engines are Hubpages, Squidoo, Xomba, Yousaytoo, among others.
Earning online through your articles is a great way to make some money online. Regular posting for a few months will soon make your earn money monthly. The good thing is, these articles will stay there forever (meaning until the site is alive) and they get to earn income monthly. Writing more articles will increase your earnings every month. It may be a slower process but the lifetime rewards are worth it.
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